Machine Room Planning

Minutes of MRP meeting of: 04/04/2000.

Present: T.Cass(chair),  R.Minchin(secretary), D.Underhill, M.Vergari.

TC commented that it had been some time since we had met and there needed to be some distinction between meetings that dealt with long term planning, often including communications with ST, and meetings to discuss general layout of the room. This meeting was to concentrate on the question of getting the room cleaned up.

TC commented that, since making comments at C5 and to SL's, many cardboard boxes had already been moved out. This was encouraging but there remained much to be done. It was agreed that a logical approach to moving things about had to be maintained, e.g. it didn't make sense to move flammable materials into an area where the fire detection/protection was minimal. We agreed on the need to separate cardboard boxes from powered equipment wherever possible.
We also discussed the need for an overall revamp of the fire detection/prevention in B513.

In reply to the question "How can we improve?" the following suggestions were made:

TC will ask MCM for a representative from each group who would define which equipment/material needs to be kept.

We agreed that there should be a review of the cupboards in the machine room and that woodden ones are eliminated where possible. Michel Blanc will be approached to ask him to number all of the cupboards and commence a list that would eventually contain the cupboard number, X & Y coordinates and the owner (or, more usefully, the key holder).If there are locked cupboards where the keyholder is not known, spare keys would be obtained via the secretariat to try to identify the owner..

RM agreed to organise the removal of any clearly identified rubbish.

The question of cable removal was discussed. We agreed that this job was (a) too dangerous to be given to a staff child and (b) needed to be done thoroughly, including cleaning underneath and replacing damaged tiles. We discussed the implications on the service of doing a systematic job where every tile would be lifted. It was agreed that we should contact DCS for personnel, but we must wait until it was sure we had the budget to do this job.
