B513 Planning Meeting, 18th Jan 2002
Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jukka Lindroos, Jose
Miranda, Dave Underhill, Mario Vergari
Previous Minutes
- Neither the pre-heating
coils nor remote control of the normabarres are required.
- A tender still needs to be prepared for the additional chiller.
- The old canalis normabarres will be removed from the vault
- The tiles from the former false floor in the vault cannot be
used in any current renovation project. They will be stored in B133 for
possible use in a future project.
Dismantling Status and Plans
- Much of the air conditioning ducting has been taken down.
Gematech have yet to take down the old monoblocs and associated ducting.
- Removal of the obsolete electrical equipment is on schedule.
Reconfiguration Plans
- Jose Miranda is now responsible for overseeing the vault
conversion project.
- The following items were discussed
- TIS should decide whether or not doors
are required between the storage areas and the B513-S corridor. If doors
are required then they should be equipped with electromagnets.
- The final layout of the cloisonsin
the storage area must be agreed soon.
- A ramp up to the false floor from
the lift is not possible as there is insufficient space to keep the
gradient below 5% as required by TIS. The ramp will be replaced by a
platform with steps for part of the width and the rest laid
out to allow use of the transpalette. The alyout of the platform needs to
take account of the smoke extraction duct and the need to provide
sufficient clearance when lifting equipment with the transpalette.
- It was agreed to replace the electrical
cabinet serving the old hvac monoblocs with a much smaller modern
cabinet. The cost was estimated at 5kCHF.
- The possibility of raising the air
conditioning duct into the UPS battery room will be examined once the UPS
cables have been rerouted.
- A possible new configuration for the silo complex was
discussed. This allows installation of 8 silos even around the large
pillars. This could be useful as Jukka is not keen on installing robots
above the air conditioning ducts under the false floor. Tony will discuss
the proposed layout with Fabien.
- Anne is awaiting input on the dates for air conditioning work
before updating the planning schedule.
Future substation
- The current bunker dimensions from Anne are on the generous
side; final details won’t be known before the end of March. In terms of
the overall planning, it would be useful to have the project approved at
the February Site Committee as waiting until the May meeting would lead to
a 4-6 weeks delay overall. Nigel should have plans and “photographs” by
the end of the month so Tony can discuss the project with Jürgen May. Anne
will contact Jean-Luc Baldy concerning Site Committee meeting dates and
agenda closing dates.
- The date of the next meeting will be determined as work in the
vault and on the substation plan progresses.