B513 Planning Meeting, 23rd November
Nigel Baddams, Tony Cass, Marc Collignon, Anne Funken, Jukka
Lindroos, Dick Minchin, Dave Underhill, Mario Vergari, Tim Whibley
Previous Minutes
- The quote
for the removal of additional electrical equipment does not cover the
lighting, but is for only CHF7,340, not CHF16K. The removal of an
“unofficial” AUL in the tape vault is included.
Various quotes for renewal of the lighting in the vault
have been received.
a. CHF3,700
for the installation of lighting under the false floor.
b. CHF4,400
for the installation of emergency evacuation lights, including CHF2,000 for a
placement study (which also covers false floor lighting).
c. CHF28K,
including CHF3k for a study, to cover the replacement of 130 ceiling lights,
90% on standard power, 10% supplied by the UPS.
The price for the ceiling lights was considered a
little expensive, although one reason for the cost could be that the ceiling is
relatively high. Anne will check within ST to see if some of this cost could be
counted as general maintenance work—the new light fittings would reduce the
ongoing cost of tube replacement.
- Anne has
not been able to measure the inrush current for a rack of PCs, but steady
state measurements on three separate racks indicate a load of 3.5-4kW.
Measurements at the PDU confirm that there is a large load on the neutral
conductor. Anne commented that it would be interesting to know the
tolerance of equipment to harmonic distortion. This is normally <5%,
but Anne measured 11-12%.
- Tony has
still to discuss the requirement for preheating coils with service
- The order
for network fibre orders has been prepared but needs a justification from
Tony. The fibres from the vault will follow same route as the UTP cables
to the computer room star point.
- The papers
and drawings for hvac tender are finished and being circulated in ST
circulation prior to calling the specification meeting. The humidity set
point has been changed from 50% to 40% to save on energy costs. A
combination of 21ºC/50%r.h. is the norm, but the plan for the vault was
24ºC/50%r.h. Relative humidity goes down as temperature goes up for a
given water content, thus more water is needed in air at 24º to maintain
50% r.h. Cooling this water would waste energy, hence the proposal to move
to 40%r.h. This new value is still within the acceptable ranges for
computing equipment (20%-80%) and people (30%-60%).
- The
dismantling of the UTP cables has been arranged. Some 4000m of cable will
be removed in total with lengths between 35-70m. Unfortunately, none of
these can be reused in the vault, but the cables will be reused elsewhere
to the extent possible. Marc will order UTP connection boxes.
Coordination plan.
a. Nigel
has network information, but this has yet to be added.
b. There
will be separate ceiling and floor plans.
c. Plans
should include drainage for hvac units. How is the gradient of these drains
ensured? Jukka had thought of attaching them to the false floor, but all other
equipment has an independent support structure.
d. Question:
can we fit 8 (or 6) robots in the vault? The preference is to have each
robot connected to two others; the minimum requirement is that there be at
least two paths to each robot.
- The last
active equipment in the vault is scheduled to be moved in the week of
November 26th, so removal of the false floor can start as from
3rd December. Everything can and should go at this stage—false
floor, all woodwork in vault (including Saleve side door), air
conditioning and electrical distribution. Bernard Louchet will supervise
the work in Charles Scalisi’s absence. Tony to confirm the December 3rd
date by 26th November.
Floor plans
- The air conditioning duct that passes through the vault
to the UPS battery room cannot easily be moved to the UPS room. So, leave
in vault—not a problem for us. Also not a problem for/during construction
as this is ventilation, not extraction and there is little heat load in
battery room.
- It was agreed that Tony would discuss the asbestos risks
with Claude Jacot of ST.
- The placement of the perforated tiles can only be decided
once the location of equipment racks is known. This in turn awaits a 1:50
scale room plan. Jukka stated that exactly 100m2 of
perforations is required, not 10% of the floor area.
- Anne asked if the electrical distribution should vary to
take into account a separate “robot area”. Such a solution is not favoured
as we cannot be sure of the long-term use for all areas of the room.
- Concern was expressed about the impact of the old
“archive rails” on the installation of the false floor. This will need to
be investigated. Dick and Dave will try to find the name of the company
that “shot cleaned” the floor of the archive store.
Overall Planning
Anne has prepared an overall plan for the work. The key
considerations when ordering the work were
Everything should be cleaned and painted before major
installation work starts. The cleaning/painting to start at the ceiling and
work down to the floor.
The support structure for hvac units will be installed before
the false floor.
False floor tiles to be put on only after cables are in place
- It is still believed that the civil engineering work can
start in late January or early February. On this basis the commissioning
of equipment is scheduled for early July with work in the MG room area
starting in March/April.
- We need to make sure the portable smoke detectors are
available for us when needed. Temporary air conditioning units may also be
B513 Substation and Bunker
- Nigel has refined and updated the plans for the bunker to
house the new substation. The major change is to move the bunker out
towards the car park by about 1m in order to accommodate the air
conditioning vents. Unfortunately, this means that the far side will stand
proud of the car park by ~25cm at the level of the barn doors, rising to
~1m at the Saleve end. Access to the Barn doors will have to be at an
angle, but the full width of the doors will be accessible. It is likely
that the car park will need to be reorganised slightly.
- There is space on top of the bunker for 6 transformers,
although only 5 are needed. These are “dry” transformers and so relatively
safe from a fire protection point of view, but smoke detectors should be
installed in any nearby air intakes. More planning is needed on how cables
can be routed from the transformers into the substation.
- At present, the cost for civil engineering and services
generaux is estimated at 450KCHF.
- Nigel will now prepare improved plans, including 3D
“photos”; a key concern being to minimise any adverse visual impact. Site
committee approval is based on Nigel’s plans even though an external
design verification is required before tendering for construction. Anne
will check the dates of the next site committee—expected to be in
February or March.
- The
lightning protection study is confirmed for Tuesday 27th.
- Jukka
will investigate the installation of a chiller during 2002 and
initiate the removal of humidifiers.
- Next meeting: December 14th.