B513 Planning Meeting, 26th October 2001
Tony Cass, Marc Collignon, Anne Funken, Jukka Lindroos, Dave
Underhill, Tim Whibley
Previous Minutes
- A quote for
the removal of the newer existing HVAC unit should be available next week.
- The control
panel for the new airconditioning units will be in the new technical area.
A door will connect this to the machine room area.
- Still no
quote as yet for the removal of the additional electrical supply
- Before
providing a final quote for the lighting, ST wanted to know if the vault
could be considered as a “hall” or if the lighting standard should be for
“office use”. It was agreed that the “hall” standard is sufficient. A
quote should be available for the next meeting.
- It was
agreed that underfloor lighting, as installed in B613, is a good idea.
However, we need to understand better the level of lighting that is
Denis Raffourt had provided the following quotes for
smoke detection systems:
a. 48,600CHF
for three ceiling mounted VESDA detectors (one per zone)
b. 36,600CHF
for six detectors to be mounted by the air conditioning units
c. 25,560CHF
for underfloor detectors
d. 9,480CHF
for additional “standard” detectors for the reworked MG room area.
prices are very similar to those quoted for B613 (e.g. ~30KCHF for two VESDA
- Investigations
since the last meeting have confirmed that we should install a false floor
with 60cmх60cm tiles. Following the experience in B613, more
attention will be paid to the false floor specification (e.g. specifying
that the feet must be bolted to the floor, not glued), but there are no
particular requirements in terms of the tiling layout.
The implications of motorised circuit breakers on all
output feeders are not yet fully understood, but those present from IT favoured
being able to power on each row of racks independently. In addition to the
space requirements for the PDUs, we also need a better understanding of the
control system.
- Anne and
Jukka have investigated the practicalities of installing coils to
pre-heating the fresh air intake. There are major practical difficulties
in terms of accessibility and we also need to consider if we wish to
install heating coils under the false floor. Tony will discuss the need
for these coils again with service providers.
Review of Proposed Floor Plan
- It was
agreed that any “critical computing infrastructure” in the vault will be
located in the rectangle with corners (7.D) and (6,G) in plan
co-ordinates. The zone (7,F)/(6,G) will be reserved for network equipment.
Marc can now go ahead with the order for fibres and associated
- Nigel will create a “coordination plan” which
shows all of the electrical, air-conditioning and network installations.
Marc will give Nigel the current network layout plans. This coordination
plan will also show the proposed location of the smoke curtains—agreed to
be roughly in line with the pillars at x=5 and x=3.
- Marc and Anne will work out how to route the necessary
cables and fibres from the network zone in the vault to the equivalent
zone in the machine room.
- The issue of defined zones for silos and servers was
discussed again. The air conditioning units are rated at 85kW giving a
maximum allowed heat load of 170kW per zone. This is equivalent to 34
racks of 40 PCs. It is possible to fit twice as many racks into the
air-conditioning zones so the idea of reserving the area (4,G) to (1’,J)
for STK silos is attractive. Tony will discuss this further within IT.
- The need for a finer timescal plan for the conversion
works ws raised. The existing storage room in the MG room area will be
disturbed during the civil engineering work and temporary storage space
will be needed. One likely area is the vault itself, but we need to
understand when we can start dismantling the false floor. Tony will
confirm the current “access date” of December 3rd with PDP.
Anne commented again that 240kW is the maximum
additional power available for equipment in the machine and vault until the new
substation is in place.
HVAC imposed height restrictions
Jukka pointed out that the smoke extraction duct would
reduce clearance
a. to
2.2m in the machine room area by the ramp from the lift and
b. to
2.06m in the storage rooms along the vault wall, and this for a distance of 1m
from the wall.
- The 2.2m
clearance above the ramp is acceptable as far as equipment installation is
concerned. Tony will inform the users of the storage areas about the
future height restrictions.
Substation Planning
- Some details still remain to be clarified before the
substation can be sized exactly. It is hoped that these point can be
cleared up over the next week, allowing discussion of this topic at the
next meeting.
- Anne would like to test the inrush current when a rack of
PCs is switched on. This test is to be planned with Mario Vergari.
- Nigel asks if all the ducts on the Tortella’s side of the
building are still necessary. Jukka will look into this.
- Next meeting: 9th November.