B513 Planning Meeting, 13th September 2001
Nigel Baddams, Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jukka Lindroos, Dick
Minchin, David Underhill, Mario Vergari, Tim Whibley
Previous Minutes & Matters Arising
- Apart from
the obvious repetitions in Point 2, the Minutes were accepted. The various
points were clarified as follows
- Cost for removal of old HVAC equipment. Ongoing;
final quote expected by 21/09.
Temporary airconditioning for UPS and batteries.
The UPS has a dedicated air conditioning unit which can almost certainly be
used for the battery room as well. One unit has to remain operational in S-406,
but this will not present an obstacle to the civil engineering work.
Cost for removal of old electrical distribution
equipment. This has still to be finalised, but Anne gave an initial
estimate of around 4KCHF for removal of the switchboard and the associated
normabarres. However, Tony pointed out that there are many electrical cables
running in cable trays to supply power sockets mounted on the pillars. These
(and the old-style normabarres on the ceiling) should also be removed.
- Dave and Dick will review the cables and cable trays
in the vault. As many of these as possible should be removed to
increase the available clearance.
- A false floor void of at least 500mm is required for air
conditioning ducts. Allowing for duct joints and clearance, we should
assume that the false floor height (top of floor panels) will be 700mm
above the existing floor level. It is not planned to remove the rails set
into the existing floor.
- [Measurements by Dave after the meeting indicate that
network cable trays descend 400mm from the ceiling which is 3500mm above
the floor. On this basis, there would be a clearance of 2300mm above a
700mm false floor, at least across much of the vault area. As this is
sufficient to house STK silos, a 700mm false floor is acceptable, but we
should reduce this to 650mm, if at all possible.]
- In terms of fire rating and hot/cold smoke, Jukka
stated that everything has to be dimensioned to resist for 2hours at
400°C. The initial cost estimates assume this level of fire rating.
- Fresh air preheating (in the event of fire) would be
difficult to arrange, given the air volume and flow rate involved, and
would cost some 15-20KCHF. Tony will discuss the need for preheating
with people responsible for equipment.
- There was some discsussion as to whether or not a ramp
would be needed to lead up to the false floor, as this would take up
space. Overall, Tony felt that a ramp would be the simplest option for
moving equipment in and out of the vault and that there was no great need
for space in the S-212 corridor leading to the goods lift. On the other
hand, no large equipment needs to be brought in through the door near the
passenger lift, so steps should be provided there.
- The lighting arrangments in the vault are adequate in
terms of light levels, but the equipment is old and no lighting is
maintained in the event of a power cut. Anne will check to see if the
whole system should be replaced or if it is sufficient to add extra lights
connected to the UPS. (Rewiring the existing lights to connect some to
the UPS was not felt to be a practical option.)
Tony has still to organise discussions about the
civil engineering work with Bernard Louchet and the contractor.
Long Term Arrangments for Electrical Supply to B513
- Nigel presented a very preliminary plan for housing the
proposed substation in a “bunker” under the main carpark. All the
equipment required in the initial plans would fit in a bunker some 8mx18m
which would have a void of 70cm below a false floor level with the
existing basement floor. Nigel estimated the cost for the construction of
a completely bare bunker to be about 350KCHF.
- In the meantime, Anne has been refining the substation
specifications. Anne proposed two options. The first would use four
transformers to support a load of 2MVA (1.6MW) with full redundancy. The
second option provides support for a load of up to 2MW, but requires five
transformers and cannot provide full redundancy. Anne is investigating
ways of reusing the two existing 2MVA transformers in either solution. Tony
reiterated the need to support an active equipment load of 2MW.
- Anne and Nigel will further refine the plans for the
future substation and its potential location before the next review in
- Anne will contact Mario Vergari to plan measurements of
the inrush currents for a rack of PCs and to see if any information is
available concerning the power supply harmonics for proprietary racked PC
- Next meeting at 2pm on Thursday 27th September.