B513 Planning Meeting, 5th April 2001
Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jukka Lindroos, Dave Underhill, Mario
Access control for B31 and B513
- The access control system for these buildings will be
replaced this year. Dave has made a first contact with ST with the same
basic request as in 1999—i.e. to protect the buildings and the machine
room, not individual corridors in B513 as now. There will be a meeting on
April 25th to review the requirements for various doors,
including any required change to the sense of opening.
Mezzanine costings
- A first study by ST/TFM indicates that a mezzanine floor
would cost 540CHF/m2. This estimate is very similar to the
Bellwater estimate of £220/m2.
Vault air-conditioning
- Jukka’s study indicates that use of room based air
conditioning units is acceptable. There are some drawbacks, however:
- some clearance room is required
for maintenance,
- the units would add to the noise
level in the room,
- there are some concerns about the
level of fresh air provision, and
- there would be no provision for
- The latter point is probably the most serious; the
requirements for desenfumage should be discussed with TIS. “Fog” based
extinction could perhaps be considered for the vault—this water based
system can remove smoke particles from the air.
- Six room units would support a heat load of at least
500kW on production of cold air at 16°C-17°C
and extraction of warm air at 23°C.
Each unit would have a control for output temperature and air speed
control (continuous not stepped). Humidity control would also be provided.
- The cold water for these units would be provided in pipes
at ceiling level which could be installed now. Jukka will prepare a
phased installation plan.
With this solution, the corridor air conditioning in
B513 can remain integrated with the machine room air conditioning provided the
machine room heat load stays below 1.5MW.
HV supply for B513
- Anne is still studying the options for integrating B513
into the 18kV loop and the question of the “energy centre” sizing. The
cost of this building depends not just on floor area, but also the wall
and floor requirements which may differ between the static and rotary UPS
options. Provision must also be made for harmonics compensation.
- Costings should be available by mid-May.
LV supply for B513
- There was an initial discussion on the arrangements for
power distribution in the “machine room”. At least a basic floor plan is
required to ensure that normabarres are installed sensibly.
- Normabarres are connected to switchboards in the machine
room which would be connected in turn connected to the UPS. If different
levels of UPS coverage are provided, this will be at the level of zones in
the machine room. Systems requiring a change in the level of UPS
protection would have to be moved physically; it is not practical to move
normabarres between switchboards dynamically.
- Switchboards are available that provide a “stay off if
power drops” function and so could remove the need for the current rack
level boxes we are using. Better still, some swichboards also allow power
to be restored remotely.
- Work now on
distribution… Normabarres, but how to organise so they can be switched to
different levels of supply? Do we have to define zones permanently or can
we move normabarres dynamically? Is the “box on rack” the final solutions
to the problem of making sure that power stays off if it goes off? What
should be implemented in the vault?
- Switchboards support 150-200kW, so a minimum of 3
switchboards would be needed in the vault—but more may be required
depending on the UPS arrangements.
- A visit to the HiFog manufacturers factory and
demonstration IT centre is being proposed for June. Jukka will ensure that
Tony is added to the list of interested parties.