B513 Planning Meeting, 9th February 2001
Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jukka Lindroos, Dave Underhill
- The aim of
this meeting was to review the Bellwater report and decide how now to
Bellwater Report Review
- The Bellwater team considered 4 options for the provision
of additional floor area.
- A partial mezzanine over the
machine room,
- a mezzanine over the barn, moving
barn offices/labs to the vault,
- provision of a raised floor in the
vault, and
- use of high level racking in the
machine room.
- Concerning this last option, Bellwater consider that
“[this option] should not be considered as the ptovision of tall racks is
not normally very practical.”
- Bellwater recommend the second option. A key reason is
the limited clearance of the vault, but their costings (provided later)
also favour this option.
- We should now follow up on various points to check the
validity of the Bellwater conclusions.
Mezzanine floor costs
- Anne will ask ST/TFM to produce a rough cost estimate
for a mezzanine floor over either the barn or the machine room. This
cost has to be compared with the cost for air conditioning units in the
Air Conditioning
- Additional
chilled water capacity (necessary for a 2MW heat load) has already been
estimated at 350KCHF. However, this is required whichever option is
- If a
mezzanine solution is chosen, some modifications are required to the air
conditioning in the machine room/barn. More importantly, air conditioning
would have to be installed in the corridors of B513. Jukka will cost
both elements.
We may need to avoid overhead ducting for air
conditioning if the vault solution is to be viable. Is a solution with “room
air conditioning units” feasible? Jukka will investigate. The concerns
are that there may be “hotspots” in the middle of the room from which the units
can’t suck warm air—but perhaps this can be avoided by placing one or more
units in the middle of the room. Setting 25°C rather than 22°C as
the working temperature might be beneficial. If this solution is feasible then
the recently cleared MG room would not be needed to house air-conditioning
Electricity Supply for B513
- Bellwater
suggest the need for an “energy centre” outside the computer centre which
would house 18kV/400V transformers and some system (static or rotary UPS)
to ensure against supply interruptions. The size of the “energy centre” is
comparable for the two options.
- Anne’s
proposal for the integration of B513 into the 18kV ring would appear to
have wide support—and would also require the construction of a building
outside B513 to house transformers. This work could be done independently
of any upgrade to the UPS protection and would take 8-12 months from
go-ahead to completion. (Most of the delay would be related to the
building construction work as the equipment that is needed can be
purchased under existing contracts.)
- It was
agreed that Anne should develop a plan for the integration of B513 into
the 18kV ring with the building sized to house either UPS solution.
- Concerning
the UPS sizing, there would appear to be consensus that
- if site-wide provision for supply continuity can support a
2MW load and functions correctly, then a UPS that can support 2MW for 5
minutes is sufficient;
- if site-wide provision cannot be guaranteed to function
correctly then UPS coverage is required for an absolute minimum of 30
minutes—and preferably up to 2 hours.
- However,
there is no agreement on the load to be supported in the latter case. Must
the full 2MW load be supported or is it acceptable to drop the physics
load and maintain only the absolutely essential services. More work is
required to understand the costs, risks and benefits and also the ways in
which services could be separated (and the UPS system configured) in the
second scenario.
- Due to work commitments for Anne & Jukka, the next
meeting will be in late March.