Minutes of the B513 Planning
Meeting, 18th April
Present: Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jukka
Lindroos, Denis Raffourt, Dave Underhill
Replacing the Saleve Side Goods Doors
A sort of “vertically folding” door
exists which could be used to replace both of the existing “goods” doors on the
Saleve side of B513. These doors can include panels for “people” sized doors
and so no major work would be needed—although some lighting would have to be
moved. The doors could be installed within 6 weeks of issuing the command.
There is no money in the 2000 budget
for this work, but a quote should be obtained as this is the sort of work that
could be funded towards the end of the year if other IT groups cannot send
money as planned.
It was noted that there is a goods
door at the lift end of the archive store. This is rather inaccessible,
MG and Vault Cleanout
Quotes are still needed for removing
the false floor in the MG room and old pipework in the vault. The sprinkler
pipes in the vault should be removed (see below).
Air Conditioning in B513
Jukka Lindroos distributed a document
describing the B513 air-conditioning equipment.
The overall cooling capacity is
limited by the chilled water supply, but 2.4MW capacity is available here and
so this is not a limiting factor.
The maximum cooling capacity for the
machine room is 1800kW, but pipe sizes and chiller capacity limit this to
1300kW of which 250kW is used to cool barracks and offices. (Which? The barn
and corridors in B513?) Only 50% of the remaining 1050kW is needed today.
Air-conditioning in the tape vault is
rather limited. The originally installed capacity was only 40kW (as the room
was just an archive). An additional 70kW of capacity was added 10 years ago at
the time equipment started to be installed. The total capacity is thus 110kW.
This represents a much lower cooling capacity per square meter than in the
machine room.
The cooling capacity in the vault
could be increased either by providing a generalised circulation or by routing
the circulation directly to racks. The direct routing system (using under floor
ducting) would be cheaper to install but requires a priori knowledge of how the
equipment is to be arranged.
It was agreed that non-ducted under
floor airflow is to be avoided as this can cause dust problems.
In contrast, the MG room is
over-provided with air-conditioning capacity for general machine room purposes.
The current cooling power of 286kW should be reduced to 140kW to reduce the air
velocity and improve conditions in the room.
As a mezzanine floor in the machine
room has been suggested as a way to increase floor space, Jukka Lindroos will
investigate the feasibility of providing air-conditioning in such a design.
Fire Detection
At the moment there is only one VESDA
system installed for the machine room although tubing exists to add a second
laser. Unless we move to rack based detection, a second laser unit should be
added for redundancy.
The fire detection system in the false
floor should also be reviewed.
The existing fire detectors in the
vault are old and, in common with all the detectors in B513, need replacing. A
VESDA system akin to that in the machine room should be installed.
Even if any water based fire
extinction systems is installed in the vault, the existing pipework is unlikely
to be reusable as fog based systems use a much higher water pressure. We should
therefore go ahead with plans to remove the sprinkler pipework.
It was agreed that fire detection
arrangements for the technical areas of the building (e.g. for the transformers
and the UPS room) should be decided by ST directly.
Fire detection equipment should
normally be replaced every 15-20 years.
Obtain quotes for replacing the “goods
Obtain quotes for removing MG false floor
and vault pipework
Clarify the areas which are cooled by the
250kW taken from the machine room capacity
Investigate the feasibility of providing
cooling for a mezzanine floor in the machine room