B513 Planning Meeting, 19th September 2003
Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jose
Miranda Vizuete, Tim Whibley
Previous Minutes
- 2.1) The price enquiry for the false floor closes on October 7th
with the opening scheduled for October 15th. Jose emphasised
the need for Anne to prepare the layout.
- 2.4) The report on the disk server load characteristics is
still in preparation.
- 3.2) The existing PDUs are now scheduled for removal as from
September 22nd. There is a minor problem with one PDU as it
supplies the B31 starpoint. Alternative arrangements for supplying the
starpoint are planned but have not been scheduled as yet.
- 3.2) There is no need to plan future cable routes into the
barn. However, much work is needed to tidy up the cables passing into the
fibre room before the plasterblock separation can be installed along the
Salève side wall.
- 3.3) Following discussions with Marcel Lasne, it has been
agreed that there is no need to pre-order connections for the machine
room. Some 20 connectors each with three 10A sockets will be ordered for
disk servers in the vault.
Substation Status
- Substation construction continues to
make good progress and, with the base now concreted, we are less exposed
to bad weather. A number of additional work items have been identified
(cutting the B513 cladding, modifications as the B513 semelle is not as on
the original plans), but there are no critical issues so far.
- Anne has arranged a meeting with a filter
manufacturer to gather more technical details.
Machine Room Upgrade Status
- The basic normabarre installation plan
has been agreed, including the layout at the back of the room. The only
question remaining is the exact placement of the 18m normabarres which will
be discussed with Marcel Lasne. This will have some impact on the
underfloor lights as these will be attached to the supports for the 18m
- It was agreed to place the switch for the
under floor lighting in the operators area with other electrical control
- Tim Whibley will arrange the
re-installation of three rows of false floor tiles as requested for the people
installing the plasterboard.
- Steel Systems have provided a sample of
a false floor grille with greater cross section for air flow than the
perforated tiles used in the vault. Although the tiles are more expensive
individually, fewer tiles should be needed overall, leading to a cost
saving. More information is needed on the total cross section required for
air flow to determine the number of tiles required. We also need to
understand the maximum weight loading for these grilles.
- Jose agreed to arrange for the covering
of the top of the holes through the floor to the vault as was done during
the vault conversion.
Power limits for the Computer
- Given the amount of equipment likely to
arrive in the coming years and the delay in substation commissioning,
there is a potential problem for the overall electricity supply. The
limiting factor at present is the 1.2MVA that can be supplied by the
diesels as 600kVA is used for building services leaving at most 600kVA for
computing equipment. Anne considered that it should be possible to remove
the diesel backup for the computer centre temporarily, leaving only the
autotransfer system as protection against main supply failure. Should this
be possible we would have up to 1.4MVA available for computing equipment.
- Assuming the diesel limit is removed, the
UPS system can support a load of up to 1.2MVA but with no redundancy.
However, redundancy could be restored by purchasing batteries for the
currently unused 4th module.
- It was agreed to plan further steps once
the practicality of removing diesel backup from the centre was understood.
- Next meeting: 2pm, Friday 3rd October.