B513 Planning Meeting, 29th August 2003
Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jukka
Lindroos, Jose Miranda-Vizuete
Previous Minutes
- Approved with minor corrections.
Substation status
- Substation construction advances well,
especially with the good weather. The price enquiry for the false floor
has been prepared and will be sent out soon.
- Orders for 400V switchboards and
transformers have to be placed by the end of November. Different options
are still being studied for the transformers, however.
- Although we are assuming that filters
won’t be required, amarket survey for filters is being prepared to ensure
that we will be able to install filters if load factors turn about to be
- On this point, it was noted that we are
still waiting for a report on the electrical load charecteristics of the disk
Machine Room upgrade status
- The electrical supply to the B513-R
corridors and the user/openlab areas will be reorganised as from September
8th. Tony will warn users but would like to have the detailed
planning. The power sockets under windows will be usable during this work.
- PDUs will therefore be removed as from
September 15th. As from this date the barn wall repainting and
plasterboard installation can start. For this, cable routes need to be
defined for IT cables into the barn and for the switchboard supply cables.
- Ann asked for a decision on how many normabarre
connection boxes to order and of which type.Tony suggested that this
question be discussed with Marcel. It may be sufficient to buy connectors
only for the 2004/5 needs rather than one for each slot.
Planning status
- Tony noted that there is still no precise
plan for the upgrade of airconditioning equipment, this concerning both
the improvements required to cool equipment in the machine room and to any
possible changes to the infrastructure to ensure adequate reliability.
- Unfortunately, Jukka is still busy with
CNGS planning and won’t be able to devote time to B513 planning before
mid-September. Realistic plans for machine room cooling can be prepared
for end-September, but plans to improve reliability and/or redundance of
the overall hvac equipment won’t be available before the end of the year.
Anne commented here, though, that some information would be required by
the end of October to understand the impact on substation equipment.
- There was some discussion as to the
feasibility of completely isolating the machine room from the rest of the
building. This could be difficult, not least because the wall between the
machine room and the barn cannot be made higher except with very light
material. This issue will be studied more together with the arrangements
for machine room cooling.
- Next meeting: 2pm, Friday
19th September.