B513 Planning Meeting,
Present: Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jukka Lindroos, Jose Miranda-Vizuete
1. The minutes were accepted.
1. The final planning documents are only just available; they will be sent to the design study bureau this week. Jose is likely to be absent when the documents are returned, but has made arrangements for them to be sent to relevant people in ST as soon as they are returned. A specification meeting could be held on Wednesday April 30th.
2. Chris Eck will be able to present the project to the Site Committee. Jose can also be present to answer questions if necessary. For the presentation, it would be useful if Nigel could create some 3-dimensional images of the new design as was done for the initial presentation in 2002. We should also have an explanation of how we can replace the parking spaces that will be blocked during the construction. In particular, must we lose all of the middle lot (40 spaces) or can the reduction be reduced by narrowing the roadway on the B504 side?
3. Now that the layout is agreed, a technical note should be prepared for the substation HVAC. This should establish how the equipment is to be powered—and also give a better understanding of the costs (the 80KCHF is still an estimate). Jukka is planning a wider ranging note detailing the changes for the whole centre. This note won’t be ready for a few months, but the technical details for the substation will be fixed by April 25th.
4. Once the HVAC note is available, the details for the fire detection system will be prepared by Denis Raffourt.
5. The technical note for the substation depends on the technical note for the global HVAC changes. However, the analysis of possible failure modes should be available earlier as this would be useful for a presentation of the substation project to IT division, probably in early June.
6. Anne is preparing a Market Survey for the harmonic filters. This should be ready by the end of May, but will have to be announced at Finance Committee in June before it can be issued. The Market Survey for the replacement UPS systems will need to be announced in 2004 (this will be a longer process as FC approval will be required for the adjudication).
7. Jose is starting work on the coordination planning. Construction is foreseen to be complete by the end of February 2004. This allows six months for the installation of equipment until the accelerator shutdown in September. Commissioning of the substation will take 3 months from the shutdown.
8. Anne commented that we should understand the likely evolution of power consumption in the centre. If this grows too fast then some upgrade of the current UPS system may be required.
1. There was a first discussion of the possible normabarre layout for the machine room. To supply 2MW, 21 PDUs are required. Six normabarres can be connected per PDU at the current size, so we would have a total of 126 normabarres. We need to understand how these could be arranged—would we be able to connect equipment to all of the slots on every normabarre? Or are extra PDUs/normabarres required to ensure that we can use the full 2MW available? Other points to consider are
a. the location of the critical power zone,
b. how to power network equipment during the upgrade, and
c. will any constraints be imposed by a requirement for ducts to lead air under the false floor? (Or do the fabric pipes suggested by PSINET make the ducts unnecessary?)
1. The latest batch of 450 PCs has arrived and power tests (idling, under load and at start up) should be arranged.
2. Jukka would like to test increasing the number of cooling stations for the machine room to test the impact on the air flow. This would reduce the temperature in the room to the level of the cold air temperature, i.e. 14°C. This should not cause problems for any services, but the test should be scheduled in advance.
Next meeting,